
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Master Bedroom Make Over

It's so funny when we look back and see how things used to be in our home...
and have that 'what was I thinking' moment.
Our bedroom when we first moved in was nothing like what I would do now.
I painted my bed white. 
It's been well established how I feel about this color, or lack of...
Like I tend to do, I spent hours pouring through websites and actual store isles looking for a white bedroom set. Almost bought a full bedroom set, on two different occasions...would have been out a few thousand you feel a theme here...this is definitely my mode of operation. As evidenced by my experience creating our office and redoing the boys room. When will I learn to skip the hours of internet searching and walking the isles of brick and mortar stores?

 In the end, I couldn't give up my bedroom set (you knew that was coming didn't you?)
 I love the bones of it, even though we bought it close to ten years ago.
It just needed to be white...not black anymore.
 Still loving this piece I created two years ago. It has traveled to a couple rooms and landed here. 
 Found this on a junkin' trip to Central Washington at an outdoor market. It's an old school chair that the gal happened to paint the perfect color for my room.
 The personalized canvas on the shelf can be purchased at my Etsy shop...
 Maybe some day I'll get around to painting the book case too.
Or maybe I'll search the internet for hours and walk the isles of store after store looking for a white bookcase and in the end...decide I really just liked the bones of this one I already had.

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