
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Family Gathering Room

The next stop on our tour of 'what one does when she does not blog for 5 months' drops us in the family gathering room.

 This is not the first time we have visited this room. You may remember the dismantling of this room some time ago. You may even remember the update. Truth is...I was never really happy with it. The wall was just too vast and needed a heavier piece on it. True to my DIY self, I searched for some time for a piece to refinish but came up empty...sadly, this does happen from time to time. This piece comes from our good neighbors to the East {and North? Where exactly is Sweden?} anyway, across the pond, but luckily I just had to travel about 30 minutes to IKEA...
 As much as I cringed to bring this thing home in boxes and put it together with semi-real hardware and highly confusing instructions{okay, who is kidding who, husband and son put it together}, I truly loved the finished look of it. And speaking of finish, I did nothing to came in this finish and color which I found warm like the rest of the pallete of the room.
Other shopping list items: club chairs were a Costco purchases years ago, picture frames and boxes are also from IKEA {I added the numbering}, basket is Fred Meyer, fleur de lis  and FAMILY pillows I created, suitcases were an amazing find. Expect Good signs both created from reclaimed wood.
 Wire rack may look familiar, another fun find, I enjoy its usefulness now as a unique DVD holder {love when decor is also useful}. Trust-hope-faith canvas is a personal creation, wreath purchased too long ago to even hope to have a clue where it came from. All flowers and flower pots from IKEA {I added numbering}. Would I have loved a reclaimed piece in here full of history, uniqueness and vintage flair...heck yeah! But the usefulness of this piece has won me over. One major problem with finding a vintage piece to repurpose is they do not have large flat screen TV openings, nor do they have spots to hold your components {DVD players, receivers, cable boxes, etc.} This piece had the perfect place for all of these 'modern necessities' plus the drawers hold tons of blankets, remotes and DVD's. The shelves with glass allow me to display just the right amount of decorative touches and books, plus everything feels it has its place.
So while this room did not fulfill me creatively speaking like many of the other spaces I have reshaped in recent the end it fulfilled the purpose of order to chaos and most importantly of all...I can't see a single cord!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the large Expect Good sign! I may have to talk with you more about it :)
