
Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Note: My posts this week will contain my adventures in Europe with my daughter, Madi, as we traveled with her AP European History class. I will return to design, home decor, repurposing, etc. next week...provided my jetlag has gone away and I have been able to gather my wits long enough to stop daydreaming about Europe and actually accomplish something back here at home.
Our first stop in Europe was Rome.
And there we left our hearts.
First up was Piazza Navona, a famous square in Rome that held many treasures. 
 The famous Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi.
 Street entertainers.
 And gelato!
 We also spent a half a day inside the Vatican. Here we are getting ready to enter.
 St. Peter's Basilica, amazing picture my daughter took.
 Room after room of amazing ceilings, floors, walls, tapestries, paintings, sculptures...
Vatican square being prepared for Palm Sunday.
 The Colosseum was hands down a favorite stop for both of us.
 I still can't believe I am really here...
 The Tiber River that runs through Rome.
The most famous fountain in Rome...Trevi fountain, or as the Romans say, Fontana di Trevi.

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