
Thursday, April 12, 2012


Note: My posts this week will contain my adventures in Europe with my daughter, Madi, as we traveled with her AP European History class. I will return to design, home decor, repurposing, etc. next week...provided my jetlag has gone away and I have been able to gather my wits long enough to stop daydreaming about Europe and actually accomplish something back here at home. 
 Bright and early we climbed the 275 feet to the top of Giotto's Bell Tower in Florence, Italy.
  It was an amazing view of the beautiful city of Florence.
David, oh David...although we saw the original David we were not allowed to take pictures so we had to settle for these shots outside in the square of the replica of David.
Michelangelo's final resting place...he was one of many famous people that were born, raised or moved to Florence. Dante, Giovanni, Brunelleschi, and Da Vinci all called Florence home.
 Cooking school in Florence. Does life get any better? Here Madi is preparing the noodles for the dinner we would eat.
One final stop before we head to Paris, Milan. 
Recognized as a world design and fashion capital, Madi was thrilled to pick up some new threads here when it was becoming obvious we were not going to see her luggage soon (that Air France had misplaced!) No time for worries though...Paris is calling.

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog thru Graphic Fairy--love your style and your awesome projects--I'm following. That trip must have been absolutely fabulous. I can only dream. Have a great weekend.
