
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Hallway Table

Decorating a home is often robbing Peter to pay Paul. I move things around a lot and often find I like a piece of furniture better in a new spot than I did in the old. Moving the black hall table into the familyroom created an 'old spot', an empty space where the piece use to be. This created an old 'spot' dilemma. And while I really enjoy the challenge of trying to create things from what I already have on hand, sometimes a space just calls for something new. Even so, I still try to be economical about it and hit garage sales, Goodwill, flea markets, junkin' stores and the like. When I want to 'splurge' I go to TJ Maxx. 
Actually, I found this great table at TJ Maxx and walked out of the store without it because at $129 it cost a bit more than I wanted to spend (recall my usual buying locations so anything retail always give me a bit of sticker shock). A week later, when I could not stop thinking about it (always a sign that you should probably purchase something) I went back to TJ Maxx and it was gone (of course it was, look at it!) So, at 8:30 at night I drove to another TJ Maxx 20 miles away and they had one (chorus of angels singing here). I pulled that thing off the shelf and carried it up front all by myself, no way was I walking away from that thing so someone else could get it. I like it in its new home, the 'old spot' left by moving the black hallway table under the TV in the familyroom.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, but didnt' that table used to be somewhere else, too? What did you use to fill that old spot? :D Love the hallway. It looks great!
