
Thursday, September 29, 2011

TV Niche Redo Update

After I posted about redoing my TV Niche which you can CHECK OUT HERE, several of you have asked 'where did you put the TV'. Guess I should have included that in the post, sorry! So, I finally got around to taking some pictures of the whole room so you can get the feel for where the TV went. See the reason it would take a while to get around to that is because this means I would need to clean the whole room. What you may not realize is that when taking blog pictures, and I suspect this to be true with most bloggers, I just push the mess out far enough that it is out of the frame shot. 
If you remember (but really why would you remember?) the TV was in the TV niche over the fireplace. My son decided having the TV on the wall would make for better TV viewing (it is football season after all). So after a lot of mess and hard work (not on my part, thank you) the TV was finally mounted on the adjacent wall.
 And there you have it...the new home for the TV. The wires down the table leg bug me a bit but my husband assures me he can get those hidden better. The basket on the table is stuffed with cords, wires, and power strips...a pretty clever solution I came up with (if I do say so) when the mess behind the table about gave me a heart attack. The table came from the what happened to the space where the table use to be? A trip to TJ Maxx fixed that. Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so I was totally going to ask what you did in your hallway (since I recognized that table). Can't wait to see that post. You family room looks great!
