
Tuesday, July 26, 2011


What is a Centralia you ask? It is actually a place, I believe it got its name for being the 'center or central' point between Seattle and Portland, as it is almost exactly half way between the two, but I could just be making that up. Do you ever do that? Something makes sense to you and so you make it reality? Anyway, posting today about Centralia because I think it might be my all time favorite junkin' spot. I touched on it very briefly in one of my first posts which you can view here. They have some great shops and I have been dying to go back and got my chance last week as we made our way on a family vacation to Multnomah Falls, Oregon, which turned out to be a great trip and wonderful hiking with the hubby and kiddos! But I digress...I was talking about great junkin' shops. There are several shops all located on one quaint little street downtown.
 They had some great items for sale for those looking to add some vintage flare to their home.
 I think by far, my favorite is the The Shady Lady Boutique. A SMALL sampling of what she offered:
And I LOVED her vintage photo wall that led up a SPIRAL stairway to the second story vintage clothing boutique.
I also adored the great outdoor spaces the shops created that added that amazing special touch that wraps it all together and makes you want to spend the whole afternoon with your besties doing some junk shoppin', grabbing an ice cream cone at The Centralia Perk and maybe grabbin' some grub at the Berry Fields Cafe.
Today, my besties were my kids (making a silly face).
They do not offer a complete list of all the shops but for great directions on how to get to this little piece of heaven visit here.  Oh, I almost forgot to share my little treasure I picked up. A rusty bucket. Yep, that was my little find for the day. Just $12 I am going to make it into a garden hose holder by bolting it to the house. I'll get ya a pic when that actually occurs!
Happy Cen'trails' to you!

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