
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Canvas Covered Books Tutorial

Wandered around Restoration Hardware several months back, and got inspired! (Wish I could say I bought something but, I love their amazing decorating sense, so simple and classic. Earthly, woody, and booky. Yeah, booky...several of their staged sitting areas made me feel smarter just sitting in them with atlases, globes, maps, and books.They have been doing 'vintage' way longer and way better than the lot of us (albeit not as cheaply).
And I just love what they do with books! You can't see it very well in this picture but there is a stack of books, covers ripped off and secured with rope or jute. I put my used paperbacks that I don't plan to read again to good use to create the same effect, but I used more of a gross grain ribbon I had saved off of Pottery Barn packaging from a recent purchase.
 Covering the books in canvas, or duck cloth, has got to be my favorite though and so I gave it a go.
 I really liked how they turned out.
I was about to create a tutorial to share with you how I did this...but then I thought, I bet someone has beat me to it, so why reinvent the wheel, right? Sure enough I found it, at a site I happen to love already and suggest you bookmark it to. Click here to watch the tutorial.
As always, if you are not having a, 'heck yeah, I'll give that a try' kind of day, I offer them up already done for you.

Amount of Books You Would Like


  1. So glad you did this because I absolutely loved the look of these books when I saw them at your house! Still haven't done the ripped cover books that I picked up at that garage sale... maybe when I get our basement put back together!

  2. Nice article, visit
