
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Oregon City

Oregon City, nice they named it twice! This town was a bit out of the way in our travels but in an effort to infuse some history lessons into the children, we made the trek. The sign to get there cracked me up.
Evidently, there is a Boring, OR but it just looks like this sign is calling Oregon City reality there is a bit of truth to it, just ask my kids who got to enjoy this sweet ride for over an hour while learning about Oregon City history.
Alas, I found just two little quaint shops, nestled together along an out of the way street. That's right kids, after the lovely trolley ride, Mamma's goin' shoppin' (insert sounds of children moaning and complaining here).
 Yep, that's me shopping while the kiddos wait in the car!
 However, all was worth it as I scored this for just $10:
 Move over kids, Momma needs to make room between you for her new find. Isn't it fun to vacation with a mom who has a design/decorating/junkin'/shopping habit? Yee haw!
I am sure they all thought is was worth it when I turned it into this:
 Actually, I am sure they hardly care but I ADORE IT!

PS This town also boasted a great Real Deals location that I mentioned in my last post. Their website again if you would like to check it out is Right Here

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