
Monday, June 20, 2011

Garage Sale Frame

Wanted to share a garage sale find that turned out really great.
This was it:

 It was $3 and it was heinous. My apologies to the nice folks I bought this from if they ever happen to read this blog (what are the chances of that, right?) but this has to be one of the ugliest things I have ever seen! In order to have a good garage selling/junkin' eye you have to see beyond what you are looking at and envision what it could be come:
Like a beautiful addition to my daughter's bedroom wall collage that I surprised her with for her 16th birthday.
That's right, I just busted out that nasty painting, spray painted the frame black and framed a vinyl chandelier I cut out of black vinyl and had already adhered to her wall. Perfect.
Todays Creative Blog


  1. That turned out great! So perfect for her room. I bet she loves it.

  2. I really should do something with those frames I got. They have just been hangin in the garage waitin for me to get my buns in gear. Maybe in the new house...
