
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Red, White, Blue and Gray?

 You know I must be happy with a room...
 when I don't touch it for days, weeks, even months.
 That, or life just got really, really busy.

 I'm afraid it might be the latter. Darn.
 I was hoping I was actually making some progress in my disease desire to create the perfect room.
Oh well.
 It was fun while it lasted...but summer is here.
 You know how I love this country...and the red, white and blue...
 and in this case...
 with some touches of gray.
 What was most fun about this redo...
 EVERYTHING was already in my home.
 Except one item...can you guess it?
The american flag pillow on the couch.
Fred Meyer.
Who knew?


  1. I recognized that pillow! I never went back... maybe they still have some here?

  2. Amber,

    So happy that you joined in with the party! It was so much fun! We are going to do something similar next month!

    Happy day to you!
