
Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Speaking of work spaces, I just found out about a great company that specializes in unique work spaces called .WeWork If you are looking for a unique, one of a kind, creative environment for your people, team, friends and even family to gather in to get the creative juices flowing, check their locations out:

 For months, nay, years...I have marked this page in the Pottery Barn Catalog.
I dreamed of having an office like this one day...
 They have moved it around, given in different configurations and parred it with different accents.
They even offer it in a different color, but I love the white (but you knew that).
I've saved up to buy it, twice, said I was just going to do it...
Couldn't bring myself to spend the money...not when I knew I could do it myself.
I present to you, my version of the Pottery Barn Bedford Corner Desk.

Only, I like mine better...see, it is bigger...
 And, cost a fraction...a tiny fraction, of what Pottery Barn would have cost me.
The drawers are oak file cabinets, one was in my basement, we've had it since we got married...
the other I found at Value Village for $10.
The top is three pieces bought at IKEA for about $70 total.
The two-shelf bookshelf was made by my ever accommodating husband from wood we had laying around. 
 (Ok, I wasn't going to share, but I have to share because maybe it will help someone else have a new train of thought today). If you look closely you will see that the middle shelf of the bookshelf has writing on it. 
This is because it is a subway sign, a custom order, that was ordered from my Etsy shop. It was one of the first I sold and when the gal got the board, she didn't like it. She said I did inferior work and wanted a refund. I. Was. Stunned. I offered her the refund, which she of course graciously accepted...until I asked her to send the board back. She wanted her money back and thought I should let her keep the board. As our communications went on she got nastier and nastier and I realized this was not about the quality of my work, it was about her trying to get something for nothing. I thought about quitting right there. I was ready to pull down my Etsy shop. I was scared that these type of people were out there...I didn't want to have to deal with those type of people. Then, I decided, with the support of my husband that she was one person amid so many other wonderful people. After 100+ orders in my Etsy shop and so many people emailing me how much they love the pieces I have created for them, I am so glad I did not let one person stop me. AND, I asked my husband to use the board for a better purpose, to help me remember that for every one person who might have something negative to say...there are 100+ others who think you are great!)
The boxes, baskets, and fun wall decor was gathered over several months. 
Mostly from TJ Maxx and thrift stores.
The metal cabinet on the desk was a find at Value Village.
It was one of those things that I had no idea what I would do with it but it spoke to me.
I know I have mentioned it before but say it again...
BUY those things that speak to you.
I painted the numbers on the drawers and the little drawers are perfect to organize receipts.  
The vintage chair was just $8 at Goodwill.
The window covering is poor man's linen (Home Depot drop cloth) and the rod is a branch from the woods near my home.
I figure for the desk itself I spent under $100.
To buy it from Pottery Barn, in this size and configuration, I would need to add a zero!
Not to mention the satisfaction of saying, 'I made that.'
It's great to have a place for everything and feel like everything is organized.
 And because everyone likes a good before picture this is what the room looked like as I moved my son out of it...
And put said little boy in a room with his brother so that momma can have a room of her own.    

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