
Monday, October 8, 2012

Trick or Treat

 We have had such a beautiful autumn here in the Northwest that I rarely remember the calendar reads October. It really feels more like...well, like never, even our summers are not this warm and sunny. If it were not for my six year old begging me I would have probably not dug out the Halloween decorations for another week or two...much later then normal. Upon getting the decorations out I felt the need for something 'new'. So, I pulled out some wood and paint...
 and hammered and nailed...
 and played with word and fonts...
And came up with a little 'treat' for myself.
And the six year old likes it too...
If you'd like one for yourself, 
it is available in my ETSY SHOP

Happy Summer October!
Linking Up to some Parties:

making monday marvelous linky party


  1. What a cute sign! I know how you feel about kids reminding us about Halloween way too early. Stopping by from Motivate me Monday!

  2. I love your sign. And I love to Trick or Treat.
