
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I Think I'll Paint the Piano Today

Sorry I do not have before pictures.
But you can imagine it in your mind...
Ugly...brown...old...but not cool old...just old.
Costs more to tune than it did to buy...
You get the picture.
Oh wait...
you can see it right there.
I was not exaggerating as you can see.
I have been thinking about doing it for months.
Painting the piano gray.
It is one of those things that just hangs over your head.
You don't really want to tackle it.
I thought of having to move it to the garage...
{read as: convincing husband, son and possibly neighbor to move it to the garage}
And then letting it dry...
and then moving it back in...
{read as: convincing husband, son and possibly neighbor to move it back in}
Then it hit me.
I don't have to do all that!
I will just slide it off the carpet...
and onto a drop cloth...
paint it...
let it dry...
and move it back onto the carpet.
Yeah, I think I'll paint the piano.
Right now.

Linking up:

Mondays @ All Things Fee!

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