
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Birthday Books

For my birthday last week I asked for books.
Some very special books.
For the last couple of years I have enjoyed these videos:

The 5 Book

The 1 Book

It took me a bit to realize they were based on books.
Books by a wonderful company called Compendium Inc.
As I was preparing to turn 40 I was once again browsing their website and watching their videos to find inspiration for my next 40 years.
Their site is actually called Live Inspired.
I ran across a video that highlighted the company and realized they were right in my backyard. A Seattle company. I was so exited I wrote them an email thanking them for their inspiration by living what they preach and making a career out of doing what they love. And guess what...
This showed up at my door.
And this was inside...
With a sweet note...

From Compendium Inc employee Angeline Candido.
'It says Happy Birthday! Wishing you many more years of love, laughter, and inspiration!'
And it came. on. my. 40th. birthday.
Now, as I said I had asked for these books for my birthday.
And my sweet husband found them in a store, and bought me The 5 Book.
This is my favorite quote in it...
And it inspired this piece of art...
A reminder I created that hangs on my bedroom wall.
Thank you to Compendium Inc for helping make my 40th so special.
Live Inspired...

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