
Monday, March 12, 2012

Sweater Socks

I can be a bit behind the eight ball regarding fashion. The 'sock above the boot' is a darling trend and now that spring is almost here and boots will soon be packed away for another year...I am finally coming around. {And if I am being honest, I probably still wouldn't be but my 17 year old daughter helps push me along.} I did a little looking online and did not want to pay the $15-20 price tag per pair. So, I turned to Pinterest where I always find amazing people with amazing idea, and it did not disappoint.
 I headed to Goodwill and found four sweaters {and since it was their 50% off sale} I got them for $3.
 I cut the arms off the sweaters and slipped them on over my socks and jeans.
And no one is the wiser that I didn't pay $20 for them...well I guess now they are. Oh, and it is really hard to take pictures of your own legs!

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