
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Baby Shower

My girlfriend is becoming a grandmother! Now, she is a few years older than me but even so, if my daughter has a baby at the same age I had her {22} I could be a grandma in 5 years! In today's world, that is pretty young to have a baby but I am so glad I started when I did. I am married to the man I want to spend the rest of my life {and the next} with, so why wait? It left so many doors open for me. When I ended up losing a couple of babies and having a 5 1/2 year gap between my 2 and 3 babies I was still plenty young to keep trying and even have another so he would have a buddy and still wrapped up my birthing years before I was 35 {when I would have been considered 'higher risk'}. Had I waited to get started I probably would not have been able to have the last two. And don't even get me started about how nice it is to still have energy left to raise them! I can already feel how much more difficult it is to keep up with the younger ones now that I am older. But, as usual, I digress. How did I get on that tangent? All I really wanted to do today was share a few pictures. I hosted the baby shower for my girlfriend's son and daughter-in-law at my home but they did all the food and decorations. I didn't get many pictures, the lighting was not good, but wanted to share the cute things they did.
Congrats Jake and Danielle!  

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