
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Our Soul Is Escaped As a Bird Out of the Snare

 For Christmas this year my daughter decided to give hand-made gifts. She came to this decision all on her own, which I will admit, did my heart good. In the past we have 'required' this of the kids. We have asked that they make at least one or more of the gifts they give to help them really put their heart into giving and help them feel the true Spirit of Christmas. This year though...well, we hadn't really said anything and were just hoping to get the 'gifting/shopping/craziness' done before Dec 24th showed up on the calendar (how many of you have had the stress dream of having to take your college finals and realizing you have forgotten to go to class all semester replace by it being Christmas Eve and you realize you have not bought one, not one, thing for Christmas? I have and it is reoccurring!)
So, I was truly excited when she told me she had decided to make all of her Christmas presents. Some of the gifts she ended up giving: framed her brother's football jersey, burned her Dad's vinyl records to CD's, a video/picture montage set to music of our family's 2011 memories (this was my gift, yay!) and for one of her friends she made this:
 Her friend loves birds and found this scripture that made the perfect gift.
(Do you see the typo? We decided it gave it character.)
I thought she did a great job designing this...I would like one for myself...maybe I'll make me one!

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