
Monday, January 23, 2012

Dinner Fixins'

You didn't think this post had anything to do food, did ya? Those of you who know me well know I sustain my family with food only because it is needed for survival. Otherwise I would do away with the whole mess of it...planning it, buying it, preparing it, cleaning up after it. All a huge time sucker and money sucker! But this post is not about my ill feelings towards cooking, so I digress. I usually have some sort of centerpiece in the middle of my family's dinner table. In all honesty, it is a pain because we have to move it off the table every night for dinner. In fact, I have been known to say, 'Let's all just eat around the island tonight,' even if it means Mom and Dad have to stand, because I am being too lazy to move the centerpiece. Then a thought struck me! What if I used the centerpiece to hold everything we need to set the table and it can stay right where it is? What is the saying...'Necessity breeds invention.'
 Okay, so I had to add a little greenery that has no function other than to make it look nicer. We may have to move that before we set the table, I think I can handle it...maybe...or maybe we should just eat around the island...

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