Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Thanks

Anyone suffering from the After-Thanksgiving-Blues? The day after an extended break when it is back to getting up early, getting everyone off, and nose to the grindstone? Not nearly as bad as the After Christmas Blues (after all, we still have Christmas to look forward to!) but still, missing being around all the family and having no where to go. You may have seen my previous post about a dear friend who passed away unexpectedly and it is making me more reflective and somber than usual at this time of year. It has made me very grateful for many things, most of all that I am still here. I spent a lot of time thinking about that this Thanksgiving weekend, and I hope I can be better about making the most of the days I have left. Since I was away from my abode this Thanksgiving, I did not do a lot of decorating for it since I would not be entertaining anyone. We held Thanksgiving dinner at my sister Lacey's home. She did a wonderful job of making it festive! Hope everyone had a wonderful and thank full Thanksgiving!
 Fall colors at the park where we held our Turkey Bowl
 Action shot during the Turkey Bowl
The gang's all here! All 29 of us!


Blogger The Kogans said...

Thanks for the props on your blog!

December 13, 2011 at 2:27 PM  

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