
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hood River

My family and I have done some extensive vacationing this summer and didn't realize until it was done that it has all been in Oregon! While we really enjoyed ourselves (Sunriver Resort was everything everyone claimed it to be!) we cannot get over one thing about Oregon...they won't let you pump your own gas!! Now, I know it is some law and I am at a loss as to why it is a law but to all my Oregon friends...HOW DO YOU PUT UP WITH THIS!? Everywhere we went there were long lines at every gas station with folks just sitting in their cars waiting for the two attendants on duty to get around to fillin' them up. 
Okay...this may be exaggerating it a bit
Crazy I tell ya...and yes, I jumped out of the car more than once to do it myself when I just could not take it any longer. I hear you saying it is just a lesson in patience but we had places to go, things to do, adventures to be had...maddening I tell you! I have a new respect for all you Oregonians and your level of patience. Wow, I have seriously digressed from the spirit of this blog...what I meant to say was in all this traveling I did find a few 'sweet spots' that I would like to share with you over the next few days in a series of posts about my little finds.
I start with Hood River, Oregon.
This is a fun little town with lots to do around it. Most famous with the wind surfing crowd because of its vicinity to the Columbia River Gorge which always has high winds and great waves. With a great downtown shopping area and a variety of shops to choose from it is worth the visit even if you don't have a surfboard in tow.
I will be honest in saying there was not a lot to choose from in the way of design or home decor stores. I did find a couple but one was my fav! From the name down to its goods... 
That's Swank! 101 4th Street Hood River, OR 
And, it is not a design or decor store at all. It is actually a vintage second hand clothing store but they had just enough vintage decor for sale to whet my whistle. 
This was the little treasure I picked up:
 Oh, and did I mention they have some fun vintage clothes too?
Not going to make it to Hood River, OR anytime soon? No worries they have an awesome website you can order from! CHECK IT OUT HERE!

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